2023 PhilFrance Applications Ongoing!
Heads up, prospecting international students! The annual PhilFrance scholarship applications were launched on December 28, 2022!
The two programs under the PhilFrance label, the PhilFrance Master (previously known as simply PhilFrance) and the PhilFrance-DOST, were opened to applications and will remain so until May 12 and April 4, respectively.
Conceived in 2016 under the Embassy of France in the Philippines as part of the celebration of 70 years of French-Filipino diplomatic relations, the PhilFrance program was an initiative aiming to provide exceptional Filipino students the opportunity to obtain higher education in France every year. The PhilFrance Master is a comprehensive scholarship with no study fields prioritized, meaning aspiring master's students across all disciplines may apply. The PhilFrance-DOST, on the other hand, is co-funded with the Department of Science and Technology and focuses more on the mobility of master's and doctorate level researchers specializing in the hard sciences.
To find out more about the PhilFrance scholarships and the application timeline for 2023, visit the PhilFrance dedicated website.