International researchers comprise around 38% of France's Ph.D. students hosted in 270 doctorate schools nationwide. Learn how to start your research and be part of the 38 percent!
The doctorate is the highest degree obtainable in France's university system. A doctorate program requires applicants to possess a master's degree and usually takes at least 3 years to complete.
France is home to a significant number of Ph.D. students, thanks to its internationally geared research ecosystem and accessible study fees at EUR 391 per academic year (as of the 2024 A.Y.).
There are two ways to gain admission into a doctorate program. The first is the approach commonly employed in the Philippines, with prospective Ph.D. enrollees coming up with their dissertation topics themselves. Students must then find a thesis adviser willing to accompany and host them during the period of their research.
The second and more often taken approach would be to consult and apply for dissertations published by France's 270 doctorate schools. These institutions typically release a list of topics in January, with applications running until April or May.
Whether you intend to formulate your thesis or wish to be onboarded for a published dissertation, the first step is to find a doctorate school that can host you during your doctorate. Campus France's doctorate school directory allows students to browse research topics based on discipline and to contact the institutions that offer them.
You may also consult a recorded webinar regarding an alumnus' experience in applying for a government grant and gaining admission into their doctorate school on the Campus France Philippines Youtube page.
While it isn't a prerequisite for all doctorate schools, you must be able to provide proof of funding for your program. The funds aren't meant to finance a doctorate program's modest enrolment fee, but to cover your expenses while you do your research and complete your thesis.
There are different ways to obtain funding for your doctorate:
- Via state grants or scholarships, such as the France Excellence Philippines and France Excellence-DOST programs;
- Via a doctoral fellowship, which is an arrangement that allows research entities to compensate doctorate students for their research. The fellowship is bound by a contract and offers a gross compensation of at least EUR 2 200 every month. Given that this arrangement qualifies as employment, fellows are covered by social security and have other benefits that employees enjoy; and
- Via financial backing from a third party, such as private sector institutions, NGOs, or government entities.

Q: How long does it take to complete a doctorate program?
A: It can take any time from three to six years, although there is no strict limit. In general, doctorates in the natural sciences can be completed in 3 or 4 years, while those in social sciences and humanities take more time at 4 to 5 years.
Q: What diploma do I need to have in order to apply for a doctorate?
A: Having a master's degree or equivalent is a must.
Q: Do I need to speak fluent French to be admitted into my doctorate program?
A: Generally, you do not need to know French to do your research, communicate with your team, and formulate your thesis. The exception to this would be a handful of doctorates in the social sciences and humanities. Verify the linguistic requirements for your chosen program with your doctorate school.
Q: Does a doctorate program issue ECTS credits?
A: There are no study credits issued during a doctorate.
Q: How does a Ph.D. differ from a DBA?
A: DBAs, or Doctorates in Business Administration, are certifications delivered outside of France's LMD system and are no longer regulated by the state. Some private educational institutions offer a DBA in the guise of a Ph.D.